Services and tests offered

The following units are available to help us offer our services

Reception unit

Sample collection unit

Sample reception and documentation bench.

Microbiology, Serology and Molecular biology unit

Biochemistry, Toxicology and Haematology unit.


The Haematology unit performs Routine haematology and coagulation testing on whole blood and other body fluids. The instrument used is the Full Blood Count-Councell-23


Used in hematology for the qualitative and quantitative study of blood cells. The report of a hemogram must include at least the following:

The Toxicology Unit identifies and quantifies toxic or harmful substances related to medicine, drugs and chemicals in humans, animals, environment and other living organisms. This unit makes use of the Atomic absorption spectroscopy which is an important instrument in clinical chemistry (quantification of heavy metals) and it’s highly sensitive. It measures concentration by detecting absorption of electromagnetic radiations by atoms. Concentration of analytes such as Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Cadmium, Arsenic, Copper, Magnesium Lithium, Zinc, can be measured. Other devices such as soil analyzers and spectrophotmeter for chemical analysis are also available. More specifications and applications of instruments in this unit are captured below.

Soil Nutrient Analyzer from Nanbei(NB-Q3)

It is suitable for soil analysis and fertilization by agricultural service departments or agricultural equipment distributors, cooperatives, fertilizer manufacturers and large producers. The operation is simple and fast.


Soil, fertilizer, plant analyzer

Soil Nutrient

Soil N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium, organic matter, nitrate nitrogen (soil), total nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium (soil), hydrolysable nitrogen

Nutrient Fertilizers

Fertilizers (including all kinds) N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, Kpotassium, Organic matter, Nitrogen nitrate (fertilizer), Organic fertilizer available nutrients, Biuret, Humic acid

Plant (fresh)

Fresh plant N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium

Culture (dry)

Crop N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) brand AA320N

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is the measurement of the amount of UV/visible light energy absorbed by an element. The wavelength of the absorbed light corresponds to the energy required to move its electrons from the ground state to a higher energy level. The amount of energy absorbed during the excitation process is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample.


Analytical techniques based on atomic spectroscopy are widely used: To determine the concentration of metallic elements as well as metalloids in a sample.

Atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace (GFAA) GA3202

Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAA) is the most advanced and sensitive technique for the evaluation of atomic absorption. With a graphite furnace atomizer, atoms are retained in the optical path a little longer than with flame atomization, allowing detection limits and sensitivity to be lowered to parts per billion (ppb).


This method is used for the qualitative and quantitative study of almost all metals, metalloids and some non metals

Atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace (GFAA) GA3202

Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAA) is the most advanced and sensitive technique for the evaluation of atomic absorption. With a graphite furnace atomizer, atoms are retained in the optical path a little longer than with flame atomization, allowing detection limits and sensitivity to be lowered to parts per billion (ppb).


This method is used for the qualitative and quantitative study of almost all metals, metalloids and some non metals

Visible Spectrophotometer model 721G

It allows to perform the following experiments: Absorbance, transmittance, fluorescence. The Beer Lambert Law is used to obtain the concentration from the optical density obtained. The device will allow us to measure the emission spectra of gas discharge tubes and light sources.

Office unit

This section severs for administrative purposes where planning and follow up on all Lab activities takes place, review and validation of all results and where documents are developed and records are archived. This unit is equipped with a laboratory information system for easy coordination with our Main Branch in Limbe and a Generator in place to for unterrupted power supply to all testing equipment

Dressing Room.

This section serves as a dressing area for all Lab technicians, where all appropriate attires as put on before and after getting into the testing units.

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